Everything but the kitchen sink in the weather....

Today we are having all kinds of weather. Brief (very!) snatches of watery sunshine amongst the scudding clouds! 
Extremely heavy downpours followed what the weather man likes to tell us are "organised bands of showers". I often smile when I think of how that would read in a French translation! 
    "Gilet jaune" showers. Ha ha! 
I had to take hubby down to the nearby station to catch his train for an afternoon meeting, as there was a torrential period of rain just after lunch. 
     Next door's cat, Doughnut, (Mr Imperial Highness) came in mid morning to take up residence on the back of the settee, where our old cat Tiger used to sit, until he sadly left us last October.He had been ill for a time. 
          So we have MIH popping in each day, and then going   home for his meals when his owners return from work. 
     If he isn't inclined to go, I make sure and carry him outside the back door! It has been the same now for the last 5 months! 
However I have an appointment at 4.00 pm so he will need to be moved before then. 
Other than that and some shopping accomplished this morning it has been just another ordinary day so far. 
   My new French book for our book club plopped onto the mat after lunch. Looking forward to beginning to read it, as I like the author. 
It will be more difficult to get the books, once we have left the EU (maybe!) We buy them secondhand on the net, often paying under a pound sterling, plus postage.
The one today came from Leipzig. 
I've put a photo of it in extras along with one of the pancakes I made last night. And they were tossed! Always a tradition in our house. 
 Time to move MIH.    
As an afterthought, Ash Wednesday is always poignant for me. 12 years sgo I went to collect our son's ashes and sat in the garden with them all afternoon. Hubby was at work and our younger son at University. It was my choice, and one of those memories which will never fade. 

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