‘A rainbow is a universal symbol of hope, luck, fortune, and wishes coming true’, so google tells me , so we were pleased to see this from the house this afternoon. I’m not sure I fully understand universal symbols, but I do always love to see a rainbow, and this one was exceptionally clear in the flesh, less so by the time I got my camera out.

A mixed day. Mr H was well enough to go for a drink at a local coffee shop this morning, including a short walk from the car to said shop. Later I managed to slip on a wet paving stone In the garden and have hurt my shoulder. I went to Aldi for a few bits and reaching for an Aubergine thought I was going to pass out , as did a kind couple who helped me, including offering to drive me home. I managed to get what I needed and get my self home. Luckily I still have a good side to help Mr H out of the chair, but it was a bit of a struggle changing his anti dvt socks!

Mr H has had another walk up the street and back, doing a little further each day, and we have Miss H coming over to see us this evening. I think she will be delighted to see how well her dad is looking.

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