
By AnnieBScotland

santa has been!

As I am going away for Christmas I have been getting organised even earlier than usual. today we should have been going to Arran to see John's dad, but the weather is foul so we put it off and I had some unexpected extra time. I filled Iain's stocking and left it where John will see it - at the fireplace. Iain is 24 by the way, but still enjoys getting a stocking!!

I have been struggling to learn how to do the selective colour thing in Lightroom. the smug woman on the Adobe youtube tutorials just says - 'do this, take the brush and paint over' - and I just can't get it to work. anyway, this isn't quite right, but I fiddled about with the colour saturation and at least got a vaguely mono background - mind you the fireplace is black and the paintwork is cream so not a lot to take out!!

have to venture out into the rain now for shopping, bank, post office and then a quiet rest of the day in front of the fire. once my nerves calm down I might have another go at lightroom.

hope everyone has a good friday.

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