
By P3dro

3 of me

Well, I didn't think I could get 300 of me in this pic. Anyway, 3's plenty.

Optional reading material follows. I fully understand if you decide to skip on to the next photo.


At some point over the last 300 days I decided that it was legitimate for me to describe myself as a photographer. I don't quite remember when this happened. But I do remember why. And its worked too. I don't feel self conscious with a camera and I have confidence that what I do is, generally, good enough. Obviously every day doesn't result in a stunning image - there are always going to be times when the inspiration and ideas need to be dragged out of bed, or don't get up at all. And, even when I do have good ideas, there is always room for improvement.

There is a long way to go, but since I started on blip I have had my photos published, exhibited and bought for real money.

I'm part of a new collective of photgraphers in Liverpool who are trying to mix things up a bit. I don't feel out of place.

If it sounds like I'm bigging myself up a bit, then, maybe so. But the point of this ramble is to say that a lot of this is quite simply down to blip. In the last 300 days I have learned to think differently, to see differently. Blip is a part of my day now as much as eating, sleeping and walking the dog.

This is by no means one of my best photos. I ought to be working anyway. I was hoping for a flash of brilliance for my 300th blip. Couldn't think of anything that really broke the mould. This is, in fact one of my bank of ideas for those ykydfab days.

It is no exaggeration to say that blip has changed my life. And for that I want to say thank you. There aren't many websites around that can lay claim to being desrving of such accolades.

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