Fence Friday

This was supposed to be a shot of our cherry tree welcoming us home over the fence which would have been slightly out of focus.
Unfortunately I had not noticed that the ‘spot focus’ had mysteriously moved to the bottom right hand quadrant of the frame again.  I think the nose print on the touch screen has something to do with it.  Seems to happen if I use the view finder and bring it to my eye a bit quickly . . .
It’s a bit late now and raining, and I’m very tired after the journey home from the south (not as young as I used to be!), so the fence is the subject – planned it all along really (and if you believe that . . .).
Hopefully I will start to catch up with commenting over the next day or so.  If I follow my normal home sleep routine possibly in the wee small hours of tomorrow morning when I wake up and I’m WIDE AWAKE!
Just to round off this week, Mrs W and I had a great time visiting the Historic Dockyard, Mary Rose, the Spinnaker, and Hayling Seafront.  We will have to return to complete our viewing of the dockyard, but at the moment we can’t face the Portsmouth traffic . . . !!  In the Autumn perhaps?

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