Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Come rain, come shine!

It's been a long, long, long time since I've been as soaked to the core as I was this morning after a spin out on my bike. I could ring out my socks, despite having worn my waterproof, to a point, overshoes...and my leggings could also create a shower of their own when squeezed out!! 

However, despite the driving rain and extremely strong winds, I enjoyed cycling through it...or perhaps against it in some cases!! :-P 

I thoroughly enjoyed a warm shower afterwards. I've also made time for a spot of cleaning, ironing and shopping for science week at school next week. :-) 

I've just started my new jigsaw...a snowy scene from one of my blips. It could take a while...! 

I've added an extra of a surprise package received in the post, Maureen you're a little gem! Such a huge, kind heart of thoughtfulness. :-D Thank you! 

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