The 4 Dead Leaves

With my extremely sincere apologies to Andy Warhol...I present the 4 Dead Leaves.

And again...I ask the question...what is art?

Yesterday I posted The Study of Marilyn, a white duck. Mr. Warhol wakes up one morning, and thinks..."I wonder what Marilyn Monroe would look like if I made her head shot in 9 different hues?" I don't know about you...but I thought she looked just fine in color, or in black and white.

I googled his name, and came up with a picture of his gravesite. It was adorned with 8 cans of Campbells Soup, and 2 Coke bottles. Can you imagine laying in bed, and thinking..."Ya know...I think I'll paint a can of Campbells Soup tomorrow. But...which shall I paint...Chicken Noodle, or Tomato?" (He painted the Tomato.) Who does that?

He also painted John Lennon, Michael Jackson, and Mick Jagger. I saw Jagger and Keith Richards on Nightline last night. YIKES! The idea of a group of 70 year old guys going on one last tour together amazes me. Makes me wonder who gets them in and out of those tight jeans every night, and if Geritol is now their drug of choice.

Back to the art. What's the difference between Andy Warhol, and any other artist? Mr. Warhol died in 19 and 87. In 2009...his painting 8 Elvises...sold at auction for 100 million dollars! 100 MILLION DOLLARS! If I would think about making this into an 8x10 (which I'm not) would cost ME a $ tax. That's the difference.

I attempt to answer my own question...but I Can't Get No Satisfaction.

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