Same old...cropped

So that was a bit of a trauchle, but we got here with no glitches in the end at 12:35pm, exactly as forecast at Doha. That’s another country ticked off then - Qatar. Very strange, judging by their state sponsored in-flight entertainment. And their neighbours make their planes fly over Hormuz rather than over Saudi Arabia or the UAE which adds a bit of time to the flight. Talking of in-flight entertainment, managed to watched Green Room (v.poor), Beale Street (v.good), Isle of Dogs (entertaining) and A Star is Born (A bit more grim than I remember). Aye. Gawd, my erse got a bit sair too.
Garden surveyed, post sorted (the most important part) and opened, and cars given a turn over. Fought off tiredness. Kept hanging on… 9:45pm I just had to throw in the towel: as soon as I started to look at TV or even open the paper, my eyes closed. 

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