
By golly it’s been a tad windy today and the wind was very cold. Took this on my evening stroll with Ruby but an hour or so later we had hail and then heavy rain (Lucy had snow in Cheltenham).

Have been trying to look at a suitable holiday destination to take mum and dad the end of May. She will be 80 the end of the year and for dads 80th, a couple of years ago, we went to Venice which they thoroughly enjoyed. Thought we had decided on Madeira but after ‘chatting’ to PicturePoems I think it may be a bit too warm for them at that time of year. Now considering the Italian lakes?.... any thoughts gratefully received;-))

We currently have boxes and boxes in all our rooms as Josh and Natalie pick up the keys to their house on Thursday. Exciting times but I will miss them.

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