
By nicky

Distance learning

I think this is going to become a very familiar sight in my life over the next few months - even more than it has been over the past three and a half years. I am about to embark on my dissertation for the library degree I am doing, so it will be a lot of time spent on my laptop, reading articles and writing notes. I am desperately trying to work out how best to organise myself because I fear I will get into an awful muddle. A colleague told me about OneNote, which I have downloaded today to try out. It seems a good way of keeping everything in one place, so I will give it a go over the next few days and see what its like.

In case you're interested, I think my topic is going to be something to do with how Flickr users tag images - perhaps to see if there are differences between tagging practices between groups and individuals, or to see if tags assigned are similar to the terms used when people search for images. Anyway, it probably sounds very dull but, sadly, I think I will find it quite interesting!

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