Housewife's Choice

By christilou

Quiet Monday.......

except that it wasn't.  I normally have a quiet day on Mondays but today Lucy came from 9 a.m until 5.30 ish.  The Childminder is on holiday and so Lucy is being taken care of for the three working days by me and her other grandparents.  There are two of them though, my husband is still working and they are 10 years older than us and so I was glad when reinforcements arrived after lunch.   Little Ro and I took her to the park with Little B, she went on the swings and then it was time to heat up her supper before her mum came to fetch her.  It will be my turn again on Wednesday.  Here she is just woken from her nap..... she's only allowed the dummy when she goes to bed but Gramma likes a quiet life!

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