Lest I Forget . . .

I've never put a diploma or a degree on any wall but there is, perhaps, something about evidencing certain ‘I wus there' moments to provide some credibility when, sat in a bathchair in the old folks home, I host another 'The Next Thousand' evening of blips for long-suffering fellow residents!

Was I really on my feet in the classroom of a prestigious business school (IESE) inviting senior directors for all corners of the earth to bare their all by making 'rich introductions' of themselves to establish deep connections that will lead to fearless exploration, enormous discoveries and great learnings to solve their business and personal challenges?

Come off it! But this photographic evidence will, I hope, come in handy to allow me priority in the queue for desserts!

Of course, I was not alone. Yasheen and Kendall were my supporters, and I still cannot deliver that section without my voice breaking. It's only love.

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