a little bit of rhubarb

By Puggle

There are some truly fabulous and creative milestone blips out there. I would love to say that this is one of them. But as that great twentieth century philosopher, Mick Jagger, says, "You can't always get what you want."

So rather than stress about doing something terribly clever for my 300th,* I present to you a decidedly low-tech blip comprising Howard, a bit of tinsel and some candles. The purists among you may be soothed with being told that there are 300 deeply symbolic flecks of glitter in the Christmassy candles. It's complete codswallop, of course, but still.

Thank you to everybody who has stopped by to have a look, or to leave comments, stars etc. And thank you even more for sharing snippets of your lives on Blip, as every time I look I find the most inspiring, mindboggingly gorgeous photos and stories.

Your blips have made me giggle on the train to work (and cause people to look at me strangely and try to inch just a little smidgen further away).

Your blips have made me go Awwwwww and come over all Shirley Maclaine because they are so charming and/or adorable.

Your blips have made me scratch my head and swear quietly while I try and figure out how (Dammit, HOW????) you made that photo look the way it does.

And your blips have made me feel sad and wish that I could cheer you up or help in some way, even though I've not actually met 99.9999% of blippers. Yet. :-)

And it goes without saying, but thanks to the guys 'n' gals at Blip HQ!

* I did start pondering how to incorporate a 300 into my blip, but my brain kept going completely blank in sheer panic. So I have appeased my conscience by firmly reminding myself that the number of blips is an artificial construct, like the Mayan calendar. And therefore there is nothing significant about this blip other than what values I choose to imbue it with. (Besides, we're all too busy hunting down and wrapping presents to fuss too much about blips right now....)

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