Sleeping Worms

I had taken some of the children outside and they had found some worms they spent the session carrying them round and showing them to the other children E.bought her worms to show me unfortunately they looked very much dead to me and I told her this 'Oh no Mrs F.they're only sleeping' she told me. Just before we went inside I told the children to put the worms in the digging tyre where they would be safe, this evening I saw on Facebook a post from E's.mum ( who I am friends with) this is the conversation between E.her older sister H.and mum
H: 'Mum E. has 2 dead worms in her coat pocket'
Mum: 'Don't be silly H.she hasn't'
E: 'Actually mum I do'
Mum: 'Why do you have dead worms in your pocket?'
E: 'Well they weren't dead when I put them in'
E.had taken the worms home with her instead of putting them in the tyre like I asked. Got to love my kids.

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