
By stujphoto

Oh Dear ! Where do we go from here ?

Normally our afternoon dog walk would continue straight ahead but not today. High tide and a fairly fullish moon (even if we cold not see it last night) have stopped us in our tracks.

Mind you Zoe should have no problems as Hungarian Vizslas have webbed feet. However, Zoe from day 1 has always been a little bit afraid of the water, prefering to stand barking on the bank when other dogs wade in. She never really been out of her depth so we don't know whether her automatic swimming instinct ( literally doggy paddle) would kick in. She will paddle and occasionally chase sticks in the water but that's as far as it goes. Whereas our greyhound, Layla, who you would think is not built for water travel, will happily charge into the waves on the beach.

I did not think my wellies were going to ford this expanded river so our walk was curtailed.

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