So Far

Just think: Every time you buy a head of celery or a head of romaine, you can make them grow again. Think of the new nutrients in these tiny, tender leaves! I won't stick them into the ground yet, but it's a crazy, indoor hit of spring.
Life is all around, as is death; we are paying attention to both.
We limp along, recovering from the surprise and big blow of the flu, followed by more flu, and the mister's fall off a ladder, here at home, while our hearts are up in the woods where Eric's brother is living his final days, slipping in and out of consciousness.
For a few short days of melt, but the only days it is treacherous (if you aren't as nimble as you were just a couple of days ago), the trail into that cabin in the woods is packed with ice and snow. So we wait, frustrated and resigned, for at least another day.

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