I had a good morning over at the Radio Station today doing some more training. Today was all about using the “roving microphone”, interviewing people using that and then uploading and editing what I had done.  There is so much to learn, but I am really enjoying it. 

Prior to the training, I was chatting with some of the volunteers in the studio, many of whom have learning disabilities, and who come into the radio station to help out.  Whilst chatting to one of the young men, I learned a lot about gremlins!  I have to tell you, however, that I resisted the doughnuts and cakes so feel quite proud of myself.

I had a chat with Shirley, the Station Manager, at the end of the morning and told her that I was much happier interviewing people rather than using “the desk”  and presenting programmes.  She was happy with that, as she said that once all the presenting slots were full, unless she took someone out, there were no slots left.  She recognises that I am a “people person” and said that as I am good with words, she felt I could do interviews on various subjects that could then be slotted into different programmes, especially if there are events coming up that local radio could “plug”.  It all sounds good and I am even thinking of buying my own microphone - so watch this space.

This afternoon, our first outing for a while, we went into the library and of course, I was on the lookout for some abstract art and found some near the Town Hall.  Just as I was about to take the photograph, a lady walked past, and whilst I don’t often like people in my photographs, I thought this lady gave it some character.  

Yesterday, I saw a review of a book entitled “The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning” by Margareta Magnusson, with the sub-title “How to Free Yourself and Your Family from a Lifetime of Clutter”, and we have lots of that, so picked a copy up from our local library.  In the blurb it says “Whether it’s sorting the family heirlooms from the junk, downsizing to a smaller place or setting up a system to help you stop misplacing your keys, death cleaning gives us the chance to make the later years of our lives as comfortable and stress-free as possible.”  This could be my chance to declutter for good because I am sure that once I have “popped my clogs” most of what I call treasure will just be put into a large skip!

“Every moment is an organising opportunity, 
     every person a potential activist, 
          every minute a chance 
               to change the world.”
Dolores Huerta

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