
By Babybichon

Big bro, lil bro

Today has consisted of being me being a taxi service for the kid, he had two parties to go to (still at one of them as I type) - he went to see 'The Rise of the Guardians' at Cineworld earlier this afternoon (the city centre was packed, lucky to get parking spaces both times though) and now he's at a DVD party...the kid has more of a social life than me these days ;)

We quickly popped to M&S to get the Turkey Crown, as had visions of us next weekend not being able to get hold of one big enough to feed us and the rest of the clan coming on Christmas day. Just need to get a beef joint and the veggies then we're pretty much done food-wise.

Need to get some more gifts, so will try and get that done on Friday morning, as that is the only time next week I'll have to do it - I feel a little pressure, but not enough to break out in a sweat about. It's not worth it. I love Christmas, and it's truly not about quantity, it's the quality of what you have in abundance around you, and this year especially had great meaning for us as a family, as it's Baby R's first Christmas, and that alone makes my heart swell.

So, if I don't get a chance to blip before Christmas, I hope you all have a lovely one!

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