Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Family I

They arrived at my place! Cousins together with the sons and wife of my nephew; my son the hiker guide with his Greek family from Athens.

Their arrival at mine had been scheduled, but then when I phoned them last Saturday to ask their flightnumber and hour of arrival at Amsterdam airport I learned they were in hospital coz their baby son was ill with a cold.
On Sunday I phoned them again to ask them how they're going on and they told me they wouldn't make the travels as baby boy was too ill still and they were still in hospital.
Only his wife might come on Wednesday as she was expected here for her work.
I took to my daughter and her little family and stayed the night and following day as their little son had fallen ill with a cold... oh the Babychild Care unfortunately is a real source of virusses... he's collected so often a cold from there and infected his parents too every time again.

So on Monday I was with my grandson in Utrecht and at 5 my SIL would return home from work and my daughter at a later hour. I phoned my nephew in Athens to ask him how his babyboy was doing and then he told me they'd travel up to Amsterdam afterall and as scheduled as he's fine! Such sudden change of plans and surprise!
As they'd arrive about 19.30 hrs I had to leave as soon as my SIL got home. All went well and when at the airport I learned that their flight was delayed for hours... at Monday midnight they did arrive tho' and I found them all well, just tired of the transfer they'd made.

And today my eldest son came to mine as to meet up with his cousin and his family ~ such a happy reunion for them and me!

didn't manage to open up my pc earlier this week, so here they come the backblips of family gatherings ~ and thank you all for your comments of recent! Much appreciated!
backblip 1

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