A New Day

By ANewDay

Choppy Water

Two medical visits today - one for Simba to the vet's and the other for me to the GP:-)  Simba's was just his annual vaccination, but with a new vet's practise and he was very subdued as he took it all in.  Too many dogs for his liking, I think.  Mine was just for a BP check and a slight adjustment to the drug regime.

Spotted this little white boat at anchor on the Tay and it was well sheltered from the strong winds that were blowing across the river.

Saddened and sickened by the news from Christchurch, which we visited just over a year ago.  The community was struggling to recover from the effects of the terrible natural disaster that had wrecked so much of their lovely city.  This must be so much harder to deal with.

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