
By Hillyblips

Quick Kiss

It was a quickie too as I knew I had tonnes of shopping to do and miles to travel.

Ploughing my way with the traffic over the Cotswold hills to take in a few favourite shops for that ......just a bit different gift. The journey that should have taken 20mins took over an hour and I hadn't got anywhere productive!! The road to Oxford, the main artery to London going west to east across England (not that I was going to London) is a single file road with very few overtaking opportunities unless you want to kill yourself which a few people on that road seemed determined to have a go at! Car parking well...to say difficult, was an understatement!! I am sure we are all going through the same scenario at this time of year.

Fortunately for me the man selling chocolates and booze took a shine to me and as I had had no breakfast or lunch this was quite a bonus - the down side was that I ended up buying quite a few of his wares - he saw a gullible customer from a mile off!!! I did have to call it a day; I just seriously couldn't eat that many chocs :)) AND I was driving!

Happy shopping to one and all!

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