
By ConstablePie

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Today was our annual Spectrum LGBT Network conference. We had some fantastic speakers. Cherron Inko-Tariah MBE, talked about challenging perceptions and was very engaging, funny and brilliant.
Opening Doors London came along too and told us about the experience of older LGBT people and how isolated they can become in their later years. Many go back into the closet, which is so sad when you think these were people who started the fight for equality and gay rights and put themselves at huge risk. We committed there and then as an organisation to support their work and aim to have their Pride In Care quality standard in our care homes.
It was a great afternoon, and a new member of our Spectrum group, Elizabeth, who joined us in November, told us she’d been working for 40yrs and this was the first time she’d ever been out at work.
It was a great afternoon and the evening in the pub was pretty good too.
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