
Not a great sleep, too much crap in my head.

Up early and out with Juno down the coast. I picked up my pal from North Berwick and we headed to ST Abbs.

On the way down the coast the sea was superb, huge waves and a massive surf, even better an offshore wind stripping the waves of their crowns.

The plan was to get the bus to Burnmouth and walk north, but we just missed the bus.

Headed upto the lighthouse first, we watched as relentless large waves rolled in from the distance. The coast north was white lined with dramatic explosions at the cliff base.

Juno on her lead due to the sheep presence.

We now headed south to a haze coast of froth and water vapour as the waves crashed and pounded.

Progress was slow as the theatre around us did not relent. Eventually we made it to a shore at Coldingham and just stood and watched the power surging towards us, it was incredible. The noise was deafening.

We continued and Juno was aware of the dangers and kept well clear of the rocks. A stoney shore next that had been stripped and the pebbles dumped again. The buried kelp stripped of colour stuck out like a ribcage.

Eyemouth was reached after many delays on the sandstone terraces watching, just watching.

A visit to the bakery and we headed back. The tide was coming in, the wind had dropped and the waves kept coming.

We just stood at ST Abbs harbour watching the sea pummel the sea walls and come over the pier.

What a cracking day, I have never seen such sea scape on the east coast.

Home and family catered for and I got a danish pastry for my evening with Ms Lund.

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