
By Cigs

Graffiti Wall

On a day when the weather forecast predicted 86% of blips would be from the blipper's home, I joined dog walkers and joggers and headed out into the downpour in search of a soggy Cigs I knew to be recently arrived at the graffiti wall.

In the same way there's a tsunami early warning system in place around the Indian Oceam, there's a Cigs Alert System around Edinburgh that alerts me to a new Cigs under way in the burgh. (For the geeks out there, there's something similar to number plate recognition technology at play that's hooked up to CCTV footage)

Feet suitably saturated, I then went off to dry out in the Dreadnaught; 3 pints of IPA later, it dried sufficiently to risk going home. So I did. Chin chin!

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