
By Nettenet

My boy

Being all grown up in his first new home.

Josh helps out at after school club on a Friday so he gave me his door keys so I could get in (I think he was hoping I would have painted a room by the time he arrived home ;-D)) By the time I picked up some dinner from Sainsbury’s and driven there it was about 5.30 and Rebecca (they are about 20 minutes further on from Bex, just over the border from Surrey into Hampshire) arrived soon after me. We explored their little cottage and then Natalie arrived home. Josh arrived a while later. We had dinner before unpacking 3 car loads of stuff and as parking is a bit of a nightmare in their road it was a bit of car shuffle to do it. Rebecca and I ended up making one dining room chair (a little complicated with rubbish instructions) before heading off home. Josh and Natalie are staying here the weekend, using an air bed. A clear run home, although the weather was pants, and took me 50minutes door to door.

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