
By jeffpaps

Silent seas.

After a few days of sunshine we had grey skies and a smattering of rain today. Undeterred we continued our schedule of meeting different groups of people for coffee, chat and catch up.
So special to have time without any pressure to be somewhere else.
We completed the day with a driving tour of some of our favourite beaches. The sun reappeared and this enhanced the mostly empty expanses of shoreline that had been packed with tourists in the summer months. I just wandered along the sand taking pictures from which to choose my daily blip.
Down point of the day was having Suzy's handbag stolen from the car. I had been sitting on a rock watching the sea whilst Suzy went to the loo and left the car unlocked. A moments inattention.....
We have reported it to the police and other than one or two sentimental items and a little English cash the loss is not too great.
Grateful today for the beauty of empty beaches. For sympathetic and helpful police staff and that the theft did not spoil our time here.

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