
After a slow day, although not quite because I worked on the latest genealogy info and did some supermarket errands, I had an early dinner and hit the road to Utrecht to watch Loreena McKennitt for the third time ... and what a wonderful evening it was!  Photographs are NOT allowed, and she didn't have a 'Twinkle twinkle little star' minute for us to take our shots, but I thought I'd take my chances, especially as my flash is permanently off.  During a moment between songs, an usher carefully reminded me not to do it again ... hahaha!  He had been sitting on the aisle next to me!  The woman beside me was already a little tipsy before the show started and she did one 'better' -- she actually filmed some parts, naughty creature!

She performed fabulously and the repertoire covered most of my favourites through the years ... a truly delightful evening.  No, AW didn't come along as it isn't his type of music, but no matter.  He amused himself by visiting MG & Son J.  I don't know if she's coming again, although I don't see why not, but not sure I'll go again for a while.

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