Mountain horopito

Pseudowintera colorata. NZ pepper tree.

I have 2 of these and they each look a bit different because of their aspect. The other is getting sun and this one is getting very little.

The berries on the other one are nearly all black. I think it will be a while before these berries turn black.

I've read that the berries are palatable to birds. I hope in time that the choices I've made in my garden will encourage more birds and bees.

There is of course the Jasper factor. He's become a proficient killer of white butterflies. I hope he doesn't have Benedict's bird hunting abilities.

My day was a little easier today. I had better concentration and less weeps. As I walked to the bus stop after work I saw people who will be family and friends of people in hospital. I felt and continue to feel incredibly sad.

My neck and back are too sore to exercise. Instead I've found solace and sanctuary in the simple acts of weeding and watering.

Today's gratitude: For the many small acts of kindness I've seen today between strangers.


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