It's all in the details

By jenni

Mum to the rescue

We invited some quests for the evening and among some other things, I wanted to treat them some traditional Karelian pasties (not home-made though, they sell pretty good frozen pasties at the grocers' that you only need to bake at home) with egg-and-butter spread (home-made).

The spread is probably the easiest kind of bread spread to prepare as you only need to mix some boiled eggs and butter but since I had never actually made any myself, I had no idea how many eggs to boil and how much butter would be needed for around 30 small pasties.

Certain Internet search engines usually help with this kind of issues pretty well but this time, the results were a bit puzzling. One recipe with no indication as to the number of pasties suggested mixing 4 or 5 eggs with 400g of butter, another suggested mixing the same number of eggs with 40g of butter, and a third one to mix 5 or 6 eggs with 200g of butter. Hmmm...

A quick call to Mum, and the issue was solved: 6 eggs and around 200g of butter should be enough.

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