Happy Birthday DN1

It's my Daughters Birthday today. I forgot to give her her card last night when she came. I stressed about it so tried to plan the day so I could deliver it to her. But it just wasn't happening and she was very sweet about it and told me to wait until Friday when we all see each other for afternoon tea. She said she likes to extend her birthday throughout the week!!!

Then I made Mr W come on a little walk with Bella. About the 3rd he's been on!!! He seemed to enjoy it and only moaned about his bad knee about 7 times!! The bad knee that seems fine when he played squash "because that's different" !!!

I then went to work with a colleague friend Jayne and we were able to have a good few hours catch up in the car before collecting kids. She has 2 dogs similar to Bella so it was great to get some comparisons and advice and she totally gets where I am coming from!!!  

I was home quite late but greeted with some lovely snuggles from my 4 legged baby while I called my 2 legged Baby to wish her Happy Birthday.

Update on mum, she seems ok but she is being kept in hospital while they try and work out why her BP keeps spiking so high. No ;sting effects from the stroke - thank god.

Happy Birthday Emily.

No dogs were harmed in the making of this Blip which is heavily badly edited!!! Don't go large!

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