Mr John

By MrJohn

Spotlight .....

..... blip.

Firstly I'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone for your words of encouragement yesterday after I felt that I had not only lost my mo but also my jo. I have to have my photography head on to take photos, I rarely see something I want to photograph and get my camera out, I usually have to have my camera in my hands before my brain kicks in and realises I should be looking for photo opportuninties. Yesterday it felt as though I was pressing the shutter button more out of desperation than because I wanted to capture what was in front of me. I supose it's all a state of mind.

Secondly I'd like to say another huge thank you as my last five concecutive blips have all hit the spotlight page ( a record for me ). I'm always surprised and delighted when a blip makes the spotlight and far from take it for granted when they do, but I'm yet to fathom the mysteries of the spotlight page. My Sky at night blip last Sunday recieved the most faves of any blip I've published, recieved 85 stars and loads of views and comments ( it is now my 3rd most popular blip after my two blipday blips ) yet didn't hit the spotlight page. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining ( yeah yeah I can hear you say ) it just dosn't make sense to me.

Anyhow, enough of this self indulgent carping on. This evening I set myself the challenge of photographing something in my house ( something I rarely do ) and copying inspired by the recent beautifully elegant and simple blips by Sarahsmith and RobArt of lamps, I thought I'd have a go at one of my own, so today's blip is ( probably not a ) .....

..... Spotlight blip.

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