Photograph Journal

By LoobeeLoo


Granted: the photo and title don’t seem to match.’s devotional is about what grapes you produce and what pruning you respond to.
We don’t know what is in store for us. Even as Christians, we cannot predict what God will hand us. And we cannot expect to understand the trials he gives us. Things happen in this life that can’t be explained.
I often think of this from the point of view of a child: a parent can guard a child against the greater evils but the child doesn’t understand that. For instance, a parent may restrict how many sweets a child has. The child may want more sweets but the parent knows that the child has eaten enough. So it is with my God.
My God knows what is best for people. That may be taking what is dearest to them. It may be giving them what they need. I have had things taken from me. Tonight, I had a gift: the gift of friendship through my husband’s birthday. God, thank you for that gift, those grapes tonight.

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