
Walking round the village this morning the bright yellow flowers of Forsythia seemed to be everywhere. And very welcome too along with a little blue sky. Another shrub named after a Scottish botanist. This time William Forsyth, 1737-1804, a founder member of the Royal Horticultural Society.

It did lead me to wonder why some trees and shrubs produce their flowers before their leaves. Magnolias and blossom trees are obvious examples. But they have to use energy which they have stored all winter to produce the flowers. As it takes a lot of energy this may be why these flowers do not last a long time. But a little research led me to realise that the answer is quite complex and the reasons may be different for different species.
In some cases it may be that wind pollination is more successful if the flowers are not hidden behind a mass of foliage.

Whatever the reason they are grand to see at this time of year.

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