Tel's Blips

By TerryS365

The Critic

I travelled to London today for a short visit to visit a few of the several important photographic exhibitions which are on at the moment. Today was a walk along the South Bank to the National Theatre to see the Landscape Photographer of the Year exhibition. As usual there is a very high standard of superb images on show all superbly printed in large format although I felt there was not enough space to comfortably view each print.

To me some of the viewers were almost as interesting as the pictures including this lady who was minutely examining each one.

Among the exhibits I spotted a name familiar to many blippers - Graham Colling. Congratulations Graham on a great achievement. Your image is superb.

As dusk fell I walked along South Bank towards Tower Bridge past the Christmas Market and many street performers. Some of the snaps including the Fiery Tuba can be seen HERE

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