The Long Pathway.....

This young lady stands at one of the entrance ways to the Wellington Botanical Garden but is actually also standing on the Te Araroa Trail which means "The Long Pathway" and it is...running 3000 Kms from the top to the bottom of the country.
I don't think the Boss or ME will ever manage to stagger this distance but we have met a number of younger and fitter folk that are and really admire the dedication and their ability to do this.
When The Boss was but a pup nobody did OE's and altho he did spend some time in England about 60 years ago it was strictly work related at that time and he remembers driving into London to see a movie...WOW. Imaging that.
We just managed one of our favourite local staggers today with a loop through the gardens and back to the city knocking up about 8 Km and 49 floors and NO cafe stops....
There will be another wander after this I think in the cool of the evening.

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