
By biddy

Back blip! Exciting day!

Took this on the way back from our church, which is near Birmingham central district, yesterday afternoon. 
This is the canal near Gas Street Basin .
We had parked near there due to road closures and walked through over the canal at Brindley Place after having come through the International Convention Centre.(Photo in extras)  Three times a year there is a Big Church service at 3.30 pm in a larger church which we "borrow" for the occasion. Birmingham Christian Centre. All the various Vineyard Communities which make up our particular one join together. There is pizza, cake and coffee, teas and soft drinks before the gathering. 
Yesterday it was doughnuts! 
There were 6 Baptisms of people aged from 18 -26. All by immersion. This is always a joyous occasion. 
The younger ones ( aged 8) had colourful large flags to wave during the songs. 
It was a momentous time for me and Stephen for another reason, our new granddaughter was born the previous evening at 7.30 pm.  Fourth child to our son Alan and his wife. 
Hope to see them at the end of this week. 
They do not post photos on social media of their children so I respect their wishes. 
Only to say they are all doing well and as every grandmother and mother says "She is beautiful"! A whopper at 9lbs 6ozs! 

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