Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Today I had a really strange beginning of my day... 
I live in a multicultural area, with I appreciate a lot, and on the bus I go with there're people from different cultures every day. This morning was different... I counted 5, bus driver included. It made me feel rather empty... strangely enough. It was like something had just removed all those people usually going with this bus that time during the morning. It was an eerie  feeling... 
I guess there's an explanation, but it was strange.
When I came to the greenhouse no one were in the large room connecting the greenhouses. There's always someone there! Again a really strange feeling... Did I miss something about today??
I went to change into my work clothes, filled my water bottle and walked through the, still empty, room. When I entered the greenhouse I was so relieved to see many of my colleagues amongst the flower pots. Lice killing duty... I joined them. 
When that task was completed, we went to sow seeds. On my way out from the greenhouse, I looked at the Tagetes I had re-planted some weeks ago, they were growing nicely. I then took a peek at the seeds I sowed some weeks back, they were growing slowly. Then I went out to sow some more seeds, beginning that circle all over again. :) 
When I'd finished one tray, like this one in the photo, I put an empty one out by my place, went to choose some more seeds and then I took a quick bathroom break. When I came back, the tray was gone. I just stared at the spot... and said out loud that I put a tray here... One of my colleagues started to laugh and said she took it. And we were joking about it for a little bit - because I thought I'd remembered wrongly and just thought I had put a tray there... Then I realised something else was missing and I said that You go to the toilette and everything disappears!! Well, we had a laugh and that's so nice! :)

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