Carrot Island... (Spider warning!)

"Wait a moment, Charly", Claire shouted. 
"There's a carrot spider!"
"Oh, I'm scared about spiders, that's nothing for me!"  Charly answerd and turned to run hurry away!
"Coward! They are harmless! If they spot something unknown, they play "dead", they are also called "opossum spider" . Have a look at this orange legs. They are perfectly adapted to Carrot Island...."

(To be honest, it was a pretty dead spider that I found in the living room)

Thank you WWombat for starting this wonderful challenge 200 weeks ago and thank you Debbi for hosting Tiny Tuesday this month :-)
I had a more "special" celebration blip in my mind, but I run out of time. I'm very busy with Omo's birthday present. I've had better ideas... ;-)

Reminder for the Tiny People Challenge TiPS.
Have a look here for the entries in March so far to get an idea.
The tag for March is TiPS31.
You can make as many entries as you like. I'm looking forward to many creative entries of the adventures of all sorts of tiny figures. Have fun!

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