The gate to Cambridge Park...

I always thought this was so clever as a child and I loved the lion’s head in the centre. It’s good to know it’s still there because so many of my childhood memories have just disappeared.
My rheumatoid arthritis appears to have feared its head after over 10 years of being banished. Yesterday I had to have my Russian wedding ring cut off because it was so tight. It’s a good job that was just a silver one bought on the market in Keswick for a fiver and used as my worry beads. The jewellers here will make me another one once my fingers has reduced from a bunch of bananas or sausages to finger shaped again. But I guess that will cost a lot more than a fiver. Best keep an eye on my platinum wedding ring; though my left hand is surviving better then the right so far.
I hope to see the rheumatologist next time he visits Guernsey.

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