No Rhyme Nor Reason

That's Oscar! Apart from the fact he wakes me early every morning, there is no knowing throughout the day and evening as to when he will get lively! As I had slept after acupuncture I had a late night, particularly as I got caught up watching a programme! But Oscar woke me at 6.30 - so I had 4 and a half hours sleep - as had he! Sometimes once downstairs he will simply settle on the settee, but not today! So out for the first walk of the day after a cup of detox tea! Usually we have a 15-20 minute walk round the houses, but as I could see mist on the river I headed on down. After taking photos Oscar had fun on the playing field digging in the molehills! He was very interested in the Muscovy ducks but I managed to control him!
Later in the afternoon I had a walk with The Exile and Ginger in the woods, . Oscar disgraced himself! Well he acted as puppies will! I had seen two cats on the path ahead but neither Oscar nor Ginger saw them leap either side into the undergrowth. However when he drew level with where they had been sitting he obviously got their scent and was up the bank and off! He is one fast dog when he is on the track of something! I raced after him and called him in a friendly encouraging manner, but he was having none of it! No sign of the cat but he was racing round the land adjacent to some posh houses! Luckily it's a track not a road! I finally intercepted him at full pelt and he got the scent of the cocktail sausage! He was none too happy being taken back to The Exile and Ginger and had to be pulled up sharply several times! 
He is becoming better at coming when called when we are out and he loves the new meaty treats, even coming back to me and leaving other dogs, but obviously when he gets the scent of something all bets are off! He is being trained at home with his new whistle so I will just have to continue to be vigilant to potential distractions and hope the slow training with the whistle will pay off. The book does say not to expect miracles as regards situations one cannot train for, The Exile says Ginger would race off for hours on the scent of something and she just had to wait for her to return! But then she never trained her! So I shall remain optimistic that wth training, vigilance and his growing maturity he will calm down and be at least 90 % reliable?!!

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