25lbs down

This morning I met emma at WW, I lost another 1 1/2 pounds this week making a total of 25. Five! Everyone congratulated me and I got a little green charm for my keyring, not the most flattering picture of me I have to say but this means a lot to me, it has taken me since the end of August, I am not even halfway and I have a long way to go but I will get there. Emma lost another pound making 17 in all, we are both feeling positive.

Kate picked me up and we went for a lovely walk in the woodland gardens and then I went to see the Doctor who says that my throat is swollen and looks sore and that my ears are congested, I’ve been feeling dizzy as well, I’m having some blood tests in a couple of weeks but in the meantime I’ve been told it’s probably viral and to rest.

I had to get through various contracts and paperwork et cetera Septra and then I put my feet up and I am now onto my third movie, I’m pretending I’m on a long flight.

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