Through my Eye phone

By RobertHowell

Salt chandelier

Today we've been to the Wieliczka Salt Mine, just south of Krakow. They are amazing. Mining started over 700 years ago and finally stopped in 1968. The tour took us down just over 2 km of tunnels to a depth of 190m. we covered just 2% of the labyrinth. The miners were a religious lot and there are chapels and shrines throughout the tunnels including the worlds only active underground church, known at the Cathedral. Everything is carved out of salt. Out tour took two and a half hours so I could bore you with hundreds of facts, if I haven 't already.

This is a shot of one of the chandeliers in the Cathedral taken from below. The frame is wood but the crystals are pure salt.

I thought the photo was quite Christmassy.

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