One more badge... daughter sent me a design which was brilliant. So I did that one too.

These are the three badges now.

If anyone wants to copy these badges for their personal use, if they think it may help them, then they are welcome to do so.

Thank you, take care x

I have just had a letter with the date of the laser op I didn’t want to have, and that I was railroaded into having without even a proper diagnosis last Tuesday, the diagnosis was conflicting etc. I haven’t even had a chance to get my second opinion yet. I will be seeing someone next week on that.

I didn’t want to think about this until my appointment next week.

That flipping male Blackbird is trying to drive me out of the potting shed. He is constantly scolding me and Popeye, and has just taken to do a lengthy session of beating his wings on the roof of the potting shed. It is incredibly loud...

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