
By jiana

Yu is drunk with joy !!

Yu drank strawberry tasted water for the first time of 2 months. To tell the truth, she wanted to drink sweet milk coffee, but her doctor didn't accept it. So, she thought out a plan buying strawberry taste water of non calorie and asked a nurse to add thickness to it.

Successfully, she could drink it with a smile of emotion. Looking her smile, I deeply sympathized with her struggle for 2 months.

Yesterday, she murmured, "I wonder if I can recover to the situation before the decease." After I came back home, I have sent a message to her.  " You have recovered very well compared to the 2 moths before, you should have confidence and not feel pressed. "  Yu replied with smile, " thank you : ) "

Today, looking her drinking, I said to her, "now, you have experience the precious moment  which you only can have."

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