"Change of use"?

I started some time ago to put "Raised Beds" on the wee veggie patch.
Some of the benefits:-
It reduces the amount of digging I need to do.
It, clearly, delineates where the beds are and only the paths between are walked on.
Alice bought the 1st 2 and the poor lass never actually got to see them made/used. 
Jerra, grand chap, has promoted himself to OiC manufacture; so my job is to sit back and grin, labouring if called upon.
2nd pair are up and running with the 3rd pair going in/up on Thursday.
What has that got to do with a barn end I hear thoughts.
Well, it befell thusly:-
I took a circuitous route home, which passed this barn. Just prior to it I saw a potential "Pheasant Phite"; could not, easily, stop with a car ogling my exhaust so I hied me rapidly unto the road end, faster than the car & had turned & was heading back by the time it arrived.
I'd spotted the Blip en route back to the fight & thought "I'll have that just in case."
The Pheasants were still at it, but desisted when the referee pulled up near them. Unfortunately the road didn't allow me to park at a slight distance & sneak & lurk.
There's NO clue how long the window has been "Bouldered up" but called to mind the idea it may have been domestic at one time?
Or, if so, MAYBE - they were avoiding the Window tax.
YIKES! Totally forgot it was taken by phone, went to add to map and it's already been done.

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