Mother's Day Bouquet

Sophie was awake at 6.30 this morning, even allowing for the clocks going forward and had remembered the whole "Granddad making breakfast in bed" idea; fortunately, Kate was of the opinion that it was far too early for breakfast so I wasn't on poached egg duty until almost 9.

After breakfast Sophie & Kate took Grandma down the park while I prepared paella for lunch for which Chris joined us, bearing this bunch of flowers for his Mum. They'd also bought her a champagne afternoon tea for two at Hestercombe House near Taunton. I'm hoping that, if I behave myself, I might get to be Tess's "plus one" for the occasion :)

After the kids had gone, Tess & I took a late afternoon bike ride on our usual route across the levels to work off some of the lunch.

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