
By Angelique


I thought I would share this magnificent bouquet with you from my lovely Adrian.  Although he can't communicate with us I know he would approve of this special present to me.  I am also grateful to his wonderful carers.

I hope all Mums out there have enjoyed their special day.  We took Matthew out for a coffee and cake and we enjoyed his company.  He is a son who is so loving and I am so glad that at least one of my sons loves me.  As to the other two, perhaps they think they were found under a gooseberry bush!!

To show love to another human being is so special and we must never take it for granted.  I have had to learn to live without it and at times it is painful.

So let us all be grateful for when we feel loved.  If you are hurting know that I hope that one day you will realise that you are loved. just as you are. xxxx

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