knit 1 girl 1

By knit1girl1

Hat Invasion

This is Doris and Edith the sheep. They help me when I'm working at my computer to make sure that I'm actually doing work and not looking at all the wonderful things on the internet. Unfortunately they're not very good at doing their job.
This evening they are surrounded by a little army of hats that are going to have to wait a bit longer before they find their new homes as my plans have changed a bit for tomorrow.
Thom has been off school again as his rash was looking worse this morning and he was still complaining of a sore throat. Got to the doctors this afternoon and he's definitely got a throat infection and thinks the rash is either an allergic reaction as looks like a penicillin allergy, or its a streptococcal infection which is more likely. He's got antibiotics and has to go back later in the week to see how he's doing.
This does mean he's missing a lot of fun stuff at school this week and not sure if he'll be up to doing his part in the nativity. Proof of his illness is that he's a bit sad about this but not in full on tears about it all. I am going to try and do some stuff at home with him to try and cheer him up.
I have had a productive day and managed to do some of that stuff called housework. I also got all the rest of the presents to our family in the post. It only took two trips to the post office.
I'm having a night off, although might do a christmas card or two.

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