Selfies from the Brink

By Markus_Hediger


I have spent these last weeks working on an art project with my wife that kept me quite busy. My camera abandoned for a while, not only because of my wife, but also because I felt a deep dissatisfaction as to where photography was taking me. I was tired of just taking nice pictures - there are hundreds out there who are much better at this than myself. To cut a long process short - I'm looking for a photography that is more intimate, that reflects more of myself. 
Since our move to Arraial almost one and a half years ago, my life has become more contemplative and - in a non carnal sense - even monastic. Lots of reflection, contemplation and inner processes. A lot of beauty has been discovered, and a lot of dirt has been uncovered. And I feel like I need to reflect both in my photography. 
Working on it.  

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