Wagtail dancing for its mate on the river Frome

I decided to make use of the last of the fine sunny weather and wandered down to our local river. Very soon a profusion of spring leaves will shroud the river under the thick canopy of trees, so I took advantage of the weak spring light.

A dipper welcomed me, but soon flew off. A wren flew close to me and perched on the mud bank of the river and sang. A tree creeper ascended through ivy foliage wrapped around a tree.

Downstream I just watched the light on the water and a pair of wagtails feeding in the air and chasing each other over the rocks in the water. A walker disturbed them so they moved closer which gave me a clearer view of this wagtail conducting mating manoeuvres on a somewhat larger rock. Its partner had just flown off in search of a flying insect.

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